Thursday 8 September 2011

concept . . . SAVE THE PLANET

Opinions on the concept of saving the planet. . . 

I think global warming is happening. 
It is a fact. 
It does concern me, and it concerns me that other people do not feel the same as me.
I think my generation is sleepwalking to desaster. 
We are a one car family, we recycle as much as we can, we try and use heat and electric as little as possible.
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Paul Roberts.
Father. 49 years old. Bank Manager.

It's on television a lot.
It wont effect us, we'll be long gone. 

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Alice and Fred Roberts.
Grandma and Grandpa. Retired.

The scientists say that it is happening, there is studies and research in the Artic and there has been documentries about the plight of the polar bear. So yes, I think it is happening. 
I'm trying to be aware of reducing my emmissions for the ozone layer. I'm careful for not using areosols. We have had our car for fourteen years now, and I want our next car to have lower emmissions. I have even been pricing up ev's (electric vehilicles). The government say they want to help people, at the moment they are giving £5,000 back to customers who buy ev cars. But when you realise Ev's are double the price of standard cars, I don't feel the government are helping to encourgae the sale of ev cars. I feel that it is important because every house hold in the uk has one or more cars.
I feel the government should be doing more to help.

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Gillian Roberts.
Mother. 49 year old. Nursary teacher.

Yeah I thnk it is happening, but I think people are playing oblivious to it, because people do not want to except the challenge that they have to change their lifestyles to prevent it. I fell like everyone is pushing Global Warming under the carpet or saying it doesnt exist.
I think people need to be more educated and be made more aware of it, its effects and what we can all do to help prevent it. Global warming is on the news, but not everybody pays attention. So, I think there are other forms of media that should be used to reach people. 
You can't say everyone had two cars and less, I dont think you can limit people lives in the free socioty we all live in, and I do not believe there is just one way to overcome it. But, I think the government needs  to make the public more aware like making campaigns to promote "green weeks" were people would change their routines and hopefully they would stick. 

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Naomi Roberts
Sister. 22 years old. Film / Media Graduate.

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