Monday 12 September 2011

bike. . . activity

13,000,000 views... it's got to be good.

Bicycle as exercise:

. . .  has several advantages over other exercises:
  1. Cycling exercises the heart better than walking without the pounding of jogging.
  2. One can ride a bicycle almost anywhere, at any time of the year, and at low cost.
  3. Little or no time has to be lost, as bike travel can be used to get to work, perform errands, or enjoy the outdoors.
  4. Commuting by bike reduces pollution that causes asthma and bronchitis. A commuting cyclist is also less exposed to air pollution than a commuting motorist.
45 minutes of cycling six days a week (about 2,000 kCal) keeps me feeling good, 
but not great,
two hours per day keeps me very strong and controls my weight, 
and six hours a day on my bicycle trips makes me feel like superman after several weeks.

Some of the main benefits of cycling are:
  • A healthy heart. A major study of more than 10,000 people found those who cycle at least 20 miles a week are half as likely to have heart problems as those who don't cycle at all.
  • Weight control. Some research suggests we should be burning up at least 2,000 calories a week through exercise (actually far more than used by the recommended 30 minutes of moderately intensive exercise five times a week). Cycling burns about 300 calories an hour, so if you do it twice a day, the numbers soon add up.
  • It can be part of your routine. If you're worried about making time for exercise, why not see whether it's feasible to cycle to and from work, which would incorporate excellent exercise into your normal daily routine.

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