Tuesday 13 September 2011

bike . . . activity

Interview with PAUL ROBERTS . . . 

Why is a bicycle good?
. . . because it's a cheap green way to get around. and I can get to work quicker on a bike than in a car.

When did you first own a bike?
When I was about 7 years old, I used to play on my kiddies bike around the streets near home. Everyone in my area would play out with friends of a similar age.

Why did you stop riding a bike?
Bike became uncool at about 18 / 19. I got my first car, a triumph toledo, dark green.

Why start riding your bike again?
A friend got me interessted. We started going out riding together. Alan said 'do you fancy going for a bike ride', so we went off road biking and I enjoyed it. We went to the gravel pits in Darcey Leaver.
and then one thing lead to another.

How much do you cycle on a day to day basis?
I don't cycle very much at the moment because I've been moved work places. Now I cycle about 9 mile a day, about 6 months ago I traveled 16 mles a day to and from work.

When did you start going to cycling holidays?
About ten years ago. I did it because I thought it would be good fun to have a night away. Me and my firned Alan first went to Arnside, we stayed in a youth hostel. We cycled up there stayed for the night, went for a drink, had food and cycled back on a different route.

We both enjoyed it. It keeps us fit. and it's a nice mini holiday.

How often do you go?
twice a year.

Where have you been?
Not in a particular order we have been to Arnside, Malham, Whitby, Scarborough, Hexham, Berwick, Carlisle, Rhyl, Barmouth, Car to Kingslin-Lowestoft.

How many miles do you do per trip?
It depends on how many days we go away for.
This last time we went away for 6 days, we averagd about 50 miles a day.

When we first started we were doing about 70 miles a day, but now we're older we do less.

Some of our trips are circle whch means driving somewhere others we leave home and cycle back, or get the train home and cycle back.

why do you like it?
It keeps me fit.
I like being in the open air.
I see a lot more in the countryside on a bike than any other way. I like going away to the coutryside because there is always something to see, all the nature is beautiful.

Would you ever consider giving up your bike?
No, not unless my health was suffering. Infact now, it makes my health better.

Would you say that a bike it good?
Yes, and I think everyone should ride a bike.
It's character building.

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