Tuesday 28 June 2011


"Live every day like it's your VERY LAST . . ."

(because one of these days, it will be) - Jeremy Schwartz

A concept I think just about everyone in existance wants to live by. 
The truth that today could be the end. 

I used to think I lived by this in my life. This would make me feel motivated to do more.

But now to be honest I think I LIVE and BREATH this. 
I HATE doing nothing. I think this may be a problem to some extents. But now I'd much rather be out doing something than sat on my arse blogging or on facebook. 

For example my last week. 
Monday- flying back from Spain. Lands in Manchester at 8pm. Home by 9ish. Had tea, unpacked put clothes in the wash... BED. Very Tired.
Tuesday- Sleep. Blood Test. Develop all film from holidays, cycle there and back. Chill with Naomi for the day. Night go to the Pub quiz. Catch up with friends.
Wednesday - give blood. Uni work, design things. cycle to Charlottes house. get drunk. Eat chippy. Go to bed late.
Thursday- Docs with Charlotte. Manchester for the day. Sunny Day. Eat A LOT of pizza. Shopped. Back to Charlottes, Cycled home. Had a shower. Phoned Alex. Nicky came round. Called for Jen, Went to ASDA. Watched films, ate crap. Nicky went home.
Friday - Full day at work. See Nicky at night.

See every day like it's the last.

I LOVE being busy... I think i thrive on no sleep and a busy life. 
So living everyday like it's your last is GOOD. 

I suppose this all depends on what a person finds GOOD. I love being busy but someone else would like to sit down and smoke weed all the time and thats how they would define a GOOD life. 
So this is too hard of a concept to persuade everyone as I know not may people would enjoy my lifestyle and think it was good. 

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