Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Having GREAT friends who I've grown up with is all I need. . . 


1. Friends share all stories of life — the good, the bad, and the ugly, funny (the best kind) and often all embarrassing.

2. Friends give support.

3. Friends relate into your life, they teach you from their experiences.

4. Friends make everything funner (more fun).

5. Friends help reduce stress.

6. Comfort
 7. Connectedness, you're never alone.
8. Self Estem boast.
9. Honest Opinions.
10. MOST importantly (the really good ones) truely know you most. They know you inside out.

activity . . . remember

Remembering moments... 
"don't forget".
i remember how i felt. 
(this isn't gay)

(ian bird, is a BADass for taking this)

concept . . . MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT

" make everyday count " 
someone MUST have said this before. 

trips to ASDA with Ian. 

picking up my bike...
me and ian had LittleChief

drinking MILK

falling into rivers so ian can take cool pictures

swimming in lakes, so we get hipothermia and get naked.
also so ian and rufus can take pretty pictures.

(photographed by Ian Bird <3)

concept . . . BIKE EVERYWHERE

Bike everywhere . . . 

Home from uni
bike to Leeds train station with 2 big bags. 
a t-shirt, a jumper, a hoodie, a woolie cardigan, a denium jacket and a winter coat.
a handbag.

a bike ride
up scout road.
viewing point: Bolton, Horwich, Manchester.

Arnside Hill
running over sheep.

Lancaster Camping

Train Station


My railey bike was at home.
Camping in Arnside.
For 3 days I borrowed a Teen Mountain bike 
WAY too small.
I felt like a child.

Manchester shopping.
Bike to Bolton.
Catch a train. 
Lock up in Manchester (because my bike would be stolen in Bolton)
get off at Hall i'th Wood.
Bike home.
VERY VERY hott day.
very sweaty.

To Charlotte's at night.
Get drunk. Sleep over. Go to Manchester. Eat a lot of food. Cycle Home. 

To Nicola's in the afternoon after work on a saturday.
Cycling to Horwich (8miles)
picking up Nicola.
Biking round Rivington reservoir. 
Having tea.
Cyling back home. 

Biking after work.
End up on the Iron Man Cycle.
Very Tired.
Get lost.
Find Home.

Cycle to CJ's
in Radcliffe.
Cycle Home.

basically I Love my bike. And it's healthy. 
Biking everywhere when i can is GOOD.


"Live every day like it's your VERY LAST . . ."

(because one of these days, it will be) - Jeremy Schwartz

A concept I think just about everyone in existance wants to live by. 
The truth that today could be the end. 

I used to think I lived by this in my life. This would make me feel motivated to do more.

But now to be honest I think I LIVE and BREATH this. 
I HATE doing nothing. I think this may be a problem to some extents. But now I'd much rather be out doing something than sat on my arse blogging or on facebook. 

For example my last week. 
Monday- flying back from Spain. Lands in Manchester at 8pm. Home by 9ish. Had tea, unpacked put clothes in the wash... BED. Very Tired.
Tuesday- Sleep. Blood Test. Develop all film from holidays, cycle there and back. Chill with Naomi for the day. Night go to the Pub quiz. Catch up with friends.
Wednesday - give blood. Uni work, design things. cycle to Charlottes house. get drunk. Eat chippy. Go to bed late.
Thursday- Docs with Charlotte. Manchester for the day. Sunny Day. Eat A LOT of pizza. Shopped. Back to Charlottes, Cycled home. Had a shower. Phoned Alex. Nicky came round. Called for Jen, Went to ASDA. Watched films, ate crap. Nicky went home.
Friday - Full day at work. See Nicky at night.

See every day like it's the last.

I LOVE being busy... I think i thrive on no sleep and a busy life. 
So living everyday like it's your last is GOOD. 

I suppose this all depends on what a person finds GOOD. I love being busy but someone else would like to sit down and smoke weed all the time and thats how they would define a GOOD life. 
So this is too hard of a concept to persuade everyone as I know not may people would enjoy my lifestyle and think it was good. 

Concept . . . making the MOST of summer

Loving Summer . . . 

Travel around. 

So this Summer I have to work alot but I plan on going around England and doing a lot of different things. 
So far I've been camping in Lancaster because I didn't need to work.
4 days in Arnside camping in a caranvan. Living the life of luxury!
I went with my friend Roisin and here are some pictures I took with my Yashica Film camera (discussed later).

Making the most of Summer is GOOD.

Opinion . . . univercity feels like HOME

"Univercity feels like home" . . .

Pretty much everyone I have spoke to who is finishing first year at Uni agrees that by now Univercity wherever that may be feel like home. 
Friends feel like family. 


Horrocks fold and Scout Rd. . . 
google it.

I LOVE this place.

None of you will know where it is, or how beautiful it looks. 
whatever mood I'm in I take my bike and ride to here and walk about the bridlepath. And everything seems okay.
I've realised I love the city but I feel grounded when I'm surrounded by natural beauty. This place helps me think, It makes things clear in my head and always puts things into perspective. 
I guess I'm a real green enthusiast. 
These are the reasons why Scout Rd and Horrocks Fold and GOOD! 
If it wasn't for them home would be way more dull. 

Object . . . my BICYCLE

my bike . . . 

what a babe. 

I don't think there is anything else I'd rather be doing. I love my bike WAY too much. Even if i flipped over its handle bars once and cried, I love how quick it makes traveling and how it's exercise, it's good for the environment, and how I feel when I'm riding it. 
In the least gay was possible I love the freedom. 
Yeah sure a car's quicker.
But that's KILLING the earth. 
and dosnt get you fit and you don't get teh wind wooshing past yur face or the sense of danger. 
Riding a bike is fun.

And my bike is a babe.

What is good?

Summer Planssssssssssss:

Wednesday 22nd June - Friday 25th June.
Lancaster Holiday with babe Roisin <3 lover

Thursday 30th June - Monday 4th July. 

Sunday 10th July -   Monday 18th July. 
BENNICASSIUM Hello Spain, Hello Sun, Hello living the dream.

Tuesday 16th August - Saturday 20th August. 
The Edinburgh Fringe 

As well as this I'm working 8:30-6pm Monday - Friday and 8:30pm EVERY Saturday. Making money and working back hours.